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Weekly Financial Summary 2022-11-07

Date: 2022-11-07
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Financial attention

► CCTV News: At present, Zhengzhou has divided the control area into three categories: high risk area and risk unit, medium risk area and risk community, and temporary control area against overflow. It further pinpoints the risk area to communities, communities, and buildings. It is clear that the newly infected people are less than 2 and are in the same cell. Only the cell is sealed and controlled. The entire community is not sealed and controlled because of the ignition point of individual epidemics. It is possible to control a small number of people Let go of the majority. With the change of epidemic situation, the main urban area of Zhengzhou is being unsealed in an orderly manner.

► Haitong Securities: The valuation and fundamental indicators point to the fact that the market is at the historical bottom, and the emotional side is just turning, and the second wave of market is expected to start this year; Since the middle of October, the stock market structure has been divided, and Kechuang 50 has performed better. Digital economy, security, and consumer services sectors are eye-catching, which is related to policies and expectations; In combination with valuation, fundamentals and policies, the main line of the new market attaches importance to high prosperity growth, such as the digital economy and new energy chain.

► Financial breakfast: hot spots come out all the time and track what you want to hear. Along the Huangpu River, 'four leaf clover' bloomed as scheduled. What are the new changes of the 5th China International Fair? How about the spillover effect when the five bloggers gather together? What's in the 'shopping cart' of the Expo? How about the performance of overweight investment in the Chinese market? Financial friends, please go to the end of the article to check today's financial secret tracking # 'four leaf clover' blooming as scheduled


1. China Union of Things: In October, the global manufacturing PMI was 49.4%, 0.9 percentage points lower than that of the previous month, a month on month decline for five consecutive months, and it fell below 50% for the first time since July 2020.

2. Global Network: In order to do a good job in social control scientifically, accurately and meticulously, Hohhot requires that the emergency channel must be unblocked and the service guarantee must be strengthened. It is not allowed to seal the residential door, lock the unit door and close the community door. In the near future, Hohhot will carry out a round of thorough investigation on the implementation of control measures in medium and high risk communities (villages) in the city. Unit doors and isolation enclosures can only be closed by pasting seals, and locking facilities such as locks, latches and hooks are strictly prohibited. At the same time, 24-hour patrol duty shall be arranged, and electronic monitoring equipment shall be fully used to strengthen management.

3. CCTV News: According to an opinion poll conducted by the Knight Foundation and Ipsos, more than 60% of Americans worry that false or misleading information will affect the voting decision of voters in the mid-term elections; More than 75% of respondents believed that the false information of the election had a lot to do with social media; 80% of the respondents said that social media should review the content that misleads voters to fill in the postal ballot, so as to limit the spread of false information.

4. North America: At the beginning of winter, the trading time (gold and silver, US oil, US stocks, etc.) and economic data release time of the US and Canadian financial markets will be one hour later than that of summer. From November 7, the US stock market will open at 22:30 Beijing time and close at 05:00 the next day.

Real estate developments

1. Longxian County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province: issued the Notice of Longxian Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau on Regulating the Supervision of Longxian Commercial Housing Pre sale Funds. The supervision bank that the real estate enterprise independently selects the pre-sale capital shall open the pre-sale capital supervision account according to the principle that one pre-sale license application corresponds to one supervision account. The regulatory account is a special deposit account, which shall not withdraw cash, handle non counter payment businesses such as online banking transfer except for the query function, handle mortgage, issue letter of guarantee, or be used as a margin account or collect funds of other nature.

2. Zhongfang: The number of second-hand houses listed in Beijing has exceeded 100000, a new high this year. The industry believes that the increase in the number of second-hand housing listings and supply is conducive to the improvement of the options of the secondary market, but at the same time, the price of some communities with rapidly increasing listings may fall slightly.

3. China Evergrande: It has received the notice from the asset receiver that the pledge target assets involved, namely the equity and intercompany liabilities of the relevant subsidiaries directly holding the project, have been sold by the asset receiver for US $637 million. It is estimated that the project will record a loss of about 770 million dollars.

Stock market inventory

1. CITIC Securities: Since last week, the expectations of policy, economy, exchange rate and geographical environment have improved rapidly in an all-round way. The market has shifted from emotional panic trading to game trading based on policy expectations. The buying point on the right side of the market has been confirmed to fully repair the market. The pace is steady and continuous, and the configuration continues to focus on flexibility. It is expected that the market driven by fundamentals and valuation switching will be relayed in the second half.

2. Economic Daily: Since this year, under the policy encouragement, the A-share split listing has continued to heat up. During the year, nearly 30 listed companies have planned 'A-share split A', including nearly 10 successful split listings. According to the industry, the A-share split listing is conducive to enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, but it should not blindly follow the trend, and should be prudently promoted according to the enterprise's own situation.

3. Muyuan Shares: In October, 4.779 million pigs (including 185 thousand piglets) were sold, with sales revenue of 14.937 billion yuan. Among them, 612000 pigs were sold to the wholly-owned subsidiary Muyuan Meat Food Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. The price of commercial pigs showed an upward trend in October. The average selling price of commercial pigs was 26.05 yuan/kg, 12.97% higher than that in September.

4. Tiandi Online (5 boards in 6 days): Announcements of changes, XR live broadcast, production and operation of virtual digital images, digital collections, virtual digital scenes and other related businesses are still in the exploration and development stage, with a small proportion of business income. Whether it can bring good performance returns to the company in the future is still uncertain.

5. Huacan Optoelectronics: It plans to issue shares to BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., raising 2.084 billion yuan, which will be used for the Micro LED wafer manufacturing and packaging test base project and supplement working capital after deducting the issuance expenses. The controlling shareholder will be changed from Huashi Holding to BOE, and the actual controller will be changed from Zhuhai SASAC to Beijing Electric Control. The shares will resume trading on November 7.

6. Zijin Mining: its wholly-owned subsidiary Jinshan Hong Kong or its designated wholly-owned subsidiary plans to acquire 20% of the H shares of Zhaojin Mining held by Yu Garden Shares through block trading at a price of HK $6.72 per share, with a total purchase price of HK $4.395 billion. After the completion of this transaction, Jinshan Hong Kong or its wholly-owned subsidiary will become the second largest shareholder of Zhaojin Mining Industry.

7. Subscription of new shares: A total of 10 companies launched subscription this week, including 5 GEM, 2 Beijing Stock Exchange, 1 Shanghai Stock Exchange main board and 2 science and technology innovation boards. They are Xintiandi, Yongsi Electronics, Hengtai Lighting, Yabaoxuan, Meiai Technology, Tianyuan Pet, Dingtai High Tech, Yunzhongma, Ruijie Network and Matrix Shares.

8. Unlimited shares and restrictions lifted: This week, 76 restricted shares were lifted, with a total of 2.831 billion shares and a market value of 68.06 billion yuan. Among them, Huaxi Biology ranked the first in the list of lifting the ban with 11.751 billion yuan, while China Electric Research and Bafang Shares ranked the second and third with 6.116 billion yuan and 6.108 billion yuan respectively.

Wealth Focus

1. Shanghai Securities News: As the market continues to fluctuate and risk appetite gradually declines, the stable products of investment bonds are popular in the market. In the third quarter, the share of bond funds increased by nearly 300 billion. As for the future performance of the bond market, insiders believe that the yield to maturity of 10-year national debt has fallen back, and the market has been passive in its positive reaction to the fundamentals. We need to pay attention to the impact of more stable growth policies on market expectations.

Industry observation

1. CCTV News: In 2021, China's food import volume will hit a new record high, with the annual import volume reaching US $135.46 billion, a year-on-year increase of 25.4%, and the retail market size will be about 1.6 trillion yuan. The compound annual growth rate of the past 10 years has reached 13%. The top five food categories in terms of import volume were meat, grain, aquatic products, dairy products and fruits, all of which exceeded 10 billion dollars.

2. China University of Social Sciences and Social Sciences Literature Press: jointly released the World Energy Blue Book: World Energy Development Report (2022). It is estimated that by 2025, the proportion of electricity consumption of emerging industries in the total social electricity consumption will be 19.7% to 20.5%, an increase of about 5 percentage points compared with that in 2021, and the average contribution rate of electricity consumption increment from 2021 to 2025 will be 35.3% to 40.3%.

3. Shanghai Securities News: In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of the ICV industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security organized the drafting of the Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of ICV Access and Road Access (Draft for Comments). Many insiders said that the breakthrough significance of the Notice was that L3 and L4 smart cars would be able to be put on the road and driven in specific areas, which meant that the commercialization of smart cars had taken another big step.

4. China News Network: Twitter officially launched a new subscription service, charging $8 per month to provide users with 'blue V certification'. At the same time, an updated version is launched in the App Store of Apple App Store. Users who 'register now' for Apple iOS devices can spend $7.99 per month to add 'blue V certification' next to the user name.

5. CCTV News: India allows limited export of sugar (including raw sugar, refined sugar and white sugar) from November 1 to October 31 next year. It is reported that sugar factories located in various parts of the country have obtained separate export quotas. As of May 31, 2023, the total export volume will not exceed 6 million tons. India announced on November 4 that it would extend the ban on sugar exports to October 31 next year. This restriction does not apply to sugar exported to the EU and the United States according to quotas.

6. CCTV News: On the evening of November 4, a tornado hit Oklahoma, northeastern Texas and Arkansas, killing at least one person and damaging about 50 houses. As of the morning of the 5th local time, the tornado had caused more than 60000 households and enterprises to lose power.

important news

1. New Hope Group Liu Yonghao: New Hope has always had a pig sector, but it is smaller than the feed sector. With the outbreak of swine fever in Africa, driven by the policy of stable production and supply, relying on the previous resources, it is inevitable to expand the breeding scale. 14 million pigs will be sold this year. It seems that there is no problem. Next year, there will certainly be some growth on this basis.

2. Surging news: The Boring Company, a tunnel excavation company under Musk, announced that it would launch a comprehensive test of the 'Super High Speed Rail' project, with two pictures attached. It is reported that a Tesla Model 3 car is suspected to be placed in a full-size 'super high-speed rail' test tunnel in the photo.

Insight Economics

1. Recently, the number of respiratory infections among children in many parts of the United States has increased dramatically, and the respiratory syncytial virus is spreading in the United States at an 'abnormally high level'. The virus is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under 1 year old in the United States. Every year, about 58000 children under 5 years old are hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus infection. Previously, due to the surge in child patients, more than 70% of pediatric hospital beds in the United States have been occupied.

Financial data

1. On Friday, the onshore RMB closed at 16:30 against the US dollar at 7.2703, up 0.6790% and down 0.1902% weekly; The central parity rate of the RMB was 7.2555, down 0.1145% and 1.1953% for the week.

2. New Third Board: Last week, four new companies were listed, with a turnover of 1.229 billion, a 13.25% increase on a month on month basis. Up to now, there are 6605 companies listed on the NEEQ. Since this year, the accumulative turnover of companies listed on the NEEQ has reached 69.596 billion yuan.

3. Shanghai Environmental Exchange: Last week, the total turnover of carbon emission quota in the national carbon market was 1.3095 million tons, with a total turnover of 63.9125 million yuan. The closing price on Friday was 58.00 yuan/ton, the same as last Friday.

4. US stocks: On Friday, the Dow closed 1.26% higher at 32403.22, down 1.40% for the week; The S&P 500 closed 1.36% higher at 3770.55, down 3.35% for the week; The Nasdaq closed 1.28% higher at 10475.25, down 5.65% for the week.

5. Europe: On Friday, Germany DAX30 closed 2.51% higher at 13459.85, up 1.63% for the week; France CAC40 closed 2.77% higher at 6416.44, up 2.29% for the week; Britain's FTSE 100 closed 2.03% higher at 7334.84, up 4.07% for the week.

6. Gold: On Friday, COMEX December gold futures closed 2.8% higher at US $1676.50 per ounce, up 1.93% for the week.

7. Crude oil: On Friday, the settlement price of WTI crude oil futures rose 5.04% to 92.61 US dollars/barrel, with a weekly increase of more than 5%; Brent crude oil futures closed 4.12% higher at US $98.57 per barrel, up more than 5% for the week.

·'Four leaf clover' bloomed as scheduled·

► CCTV: After five years of development, the Expo has become the first place for new products, cutting-edge technologies and innovative services in the world. This year, hundreds of new products, technologies and services will be displayed in the six exhibition areas of the Expo. The food and agricultural products exhibition area has the largest number of exhibitors and the most extensive sources. All the major seed industries and the four major grain merchants have participated in the exhibition. This year, a special area for crop seed industry has also been set up. For the first time, the commercial vehicle sector was set up in the automobile exhibition area, focusing on the low-carbon transformation of the automobile industry. Many brands will display new energy vehicles. Norway, Switzerland, Brazil, Indonesia and other countries have added a number of exhibition organizations to participate in Expo for the first time, and Germany, Denmark, New Zealand and other countries have organized a large number of 'specialized, special and new' SMEs to participate. There will be hundreds of new products, technologies and services, many of which are world premieres, Asia's first shows and China's first exhibitions.

► People's Daily: As China's determination and measures to continuously improve the market-oriented, legalized and international business environment are increasingly recognized, more and more new and old friends enter the Expo platform, and spillover effects continue to emerge. In this special period, the colorful light of China's opportunities has been reflected to the world. All kinds of foreign-funded enterprises have expressed their expectations of 'continuing to be optimistic about China' with their actions. At this Expo, the world's top ten industrial electrical enterprises, top ten medical equipment enterprises, top fifteen pharmaceutical enterprises, top fifteen brand automobile enterprises, etc. have gathered; More than 280 of the world's top 500 and leading enterprises in the industry, with a turnaround rate of nearly 90%. After five years of development, the Expo has become a 'golden key' to open the Chinese market, helping many foreign businessmen to take advantage of the tide of economic globalization.

► China News Network: China Southern Airlines Group signed 16 import procurement projects with 14 large international manufacturers and suppliers in the global aviation service field, including CFMI, with a total turnover of 706 million dollars; The oil company affiliated to CCFCO signed contracts with ADM, Syngenta Group, Badaji Group and other suppliers to purchase 10 million tons of imported soybeans, an increase of 19% over last year; JPMorgan Chase forecasts that by 2025, the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour in battery manufacturing may drop to $100 or even less. Participating in the Expo for five consecutive times, the State Power Investment Corporation has gained a lot, with a total of US $4.227 billion in contracts, and has also strengthened global supply chain cooperation in green and low-carbon areas. At the Expo, National Energy Group signed contracts with 40 enterprises from 18 countries and regions, including Mongolia, Russia, Germany and the United States, with a total amount of 2.5 billion US dollars, an increase of 38% over the previous one.

► Securities Daily: Investing in the Chinese market has a significant spillover effect. It has become a consensus among many enterprises to further build the company's local industrial chain with the help of the Expo. From the beneficiaries of reform and opening up to the participants in promoting China's high-level open economy, changes are quietly taking place in recent years. Foreign funded enterprises use their own resources such as technology, talents, management concepts, etc. to push back the reform of China's market, participate in market competition with various market players, and form the 'catfish effect'. More and more foreign enterprises look at China's good infrastructure, complete industrial chain, huge consumer market, and sufficient innovative talents, and believe that 'investing in China is investing in the future'. Against the background of increasingly complex international situation and weak transnational investment, China has overcome multiple difficulties in attracting foreign capital and achieved steady growth and quality improvement. In the first three quarters, China has absorbed more than 1 trillion yuan of foreign capital, with a year-on-year growth of 15.6%, including 32.3% growth in high-tech industries, which has injected impetus into China's high-quality development.

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